Member of PCT


Can Convention priority be claimed


Novelty requirement


Patent search


Required Documents

To file for a European patent application we need

1. A copy of the description, claims and abstract (and drawings if any).
2. Name(s), address(es) and nationality of applicants.
3. Name(s), address(es) and nationality of inventors.
4. Priority Document and verified translation, if appropriate.
5. Date of Assignment from the inventors to the applicant, if any.

PCT/European regional phase entry

For entry into the European regional phase via a PCT application, we must file within 31 months of the earliest priority date.  The requirements are


1. Full particulars of the PCT application, including publication details.
2. Copy of the annex to the International Preliminary Examination Authority (IPEA) report, if appropriate.
3. Details of any assignments from the inventor(s) to the applicant(s).


20 years starting from the filing date, (in case of PCT, starting from the PCT filing date).

Countries of Representation and IP Information